My Days in Carengie Hall- What a Memory!

Posted By on May 31, 2010

When I first moved to New York City, back in 1980, I was incredibly fortunate enough to procure lodgings in a tiny, one-room studio in the world famous Carnegie Hall. The studio was located on the eleventh floor and there was no restroom. So I had to use the one down the hall. I had found a way to sneak into concerts as well. The first time I made this discovery, it was quite by accident. I heard music wafting through the halls and I followed it until I found a door with no handle. I managed to get it open with my fingers, and upon opening it, I beheld, from the very highest balcony ledge, the Boston Symphony performing Mahler’s 8th Symphony. Since I was on my way to the bathroom down the hall, I was wearing only my pajamas! Anyway, I was well aware of an eccentric community of artists residing in the building. In fact, that very year, there appeared an article in Time Magazine (I think it was Time) which featured the residents of Carnegie Hall. This was back in 1980.

Now I have had the marvelous luck to come across this amazing, short report about the residents of this fantastic center for the performing arts. The residents are finally being relocated in order to establish a music school in the building. Please watch this! The link is:

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